[Saturday, January 31, 2004]
A Prayer
(For Those Who Live Alone)
*Like me*
I live alone, Dear Lord,
Stay by my side,
In all my daily needs,
Be thou my guide.
Grant me good health,
For that indeed, I pray,
To carry on my work
From day to day.
Keep pure my mind,
My thoughts, my every deed
Let me be kind, unselfish
In my neighbor's need.
Spare me from fire, from flood,
Malicious tongues,
From thieves, from fear,
And evil ones.
If sickness or an accident befall,
Then humbly, Lord, I pray,
Hear thou my call.
And when I'm feeling low,
Or in despair,
Lift up my heart,
And help me in my prayer.
I live alone, Dear Lord,
Yet have no fear,
Because I feel your presence
Ever near.
posted @ 10:05 PM |
[Wednesday, January 28, 2004]
Happy B'day Sis!
Met ultah,
Dinda Tersayang
Moga kuliahnya cepet kelar
Moga dapet cowo' yg baek (gw juga mauuuu...)
Moga tambah lutu... :p
Pokoke Wish u all the best lah, ki ^_^
posted @ 8:53 AM |
[Sunday, January 25, 2004]
Allow semuanya... ^_^
Gw cuma mo ngasih tau neh
Besok, Senen, 26 Januari 2004, +/- 12:30 WIB
Gw mo nomat bareng beberapa temen blogger
Pelem yang mo ditonton blom tau judulnya apa
Intinya seh, ketemuannya yang lebih penting :D
Jadi, kalo lu berdomisili di Jakarta dan sekitarnya
Ataw kebeneran lagi maen ke Jakarta
Trus ada minat mo gabung, kontak gw yah ;)
Buat yang tau no. hp gw: silahkan kirim sms ataw telp
Buat yg laen: Lu bisa
1. PM gw di Y!M
2. Ngisi taggie
3. Ngasih komen di sini
4. Kirim telepati ke gw, siapa tau nyampe
Huehehehe... :p
posted @ 3:26 PM |
[Thursday, January 22, 2004]
Chat Room Lies
Just take a look at this picture, and you'll understand the whole story...
++ No Explanation Needed ++
posted @ 12:22 AM |
[Sunday, January 11, 2004]
Torn from my dignity
Isolated in manic depression
Tortured by meaningless pride
Flustered with chaotic mind
Buried in total confusion
I wondered if it was destiny
I was through
Too tired to fight
I felt perfectly useless
Until you came to me
Shared your problems with me
Asking for help
All I could do was listen
All I could offer was a hug
All I could said were promises
That I would stand by you
That I would never let anyone harm you
That I would make sure everything's gonna be all right
You said, "I'm so lucky that I have you... What if I don't?"
I waited until you fell asleep
I watched your face
I cried silently
You thought that I'm your hero
Without knowing that You Are My
++ Dedicated to my beloved sister: Femmy Karima, thanks for everything, you make me feel needed, I love you ++
posted @ 6:23 PM |
[Monday, January 05, 2004]
Persembahan Untukmu
Inilah marahku,
Yang selama ini terkekang menghisap darahku.
Inilah sesakku,
Yang selama ini terbelenggu menahan nafasku.
Inilah murkaku,
Yang selama ini terpasung merusak otakku.
Persetan denganmu!
++ Enjoy The Scream ++
posted @ 2:28 PM |